Logo design reseller site
Start selling stuff for business and you have customer that has money to spend and everyone wants own brand being successful and logo is one important thing!
- Fully outsourced graphic designing website created
- You can easily add your own content
- Ready with sell-able services and ad space
- Responsive design
- Free installation on your domain and hosting
- Free after sale support
Start your own online turnkey logo design reseller business with this awesome ready to use website. Website design and concept allows anyone to start their own fully outsourced logo/graphic design reseller business. You will get links to multiple suppliers so you can start reselling the services right away.
How can you make money?
The process of running this business is very simple.
1. Customer places order on your site, payment is received to your PayPal account instantly
2. You use the info the customer gave you and outsource the work to the suppliers and let them do all of the work from there on.
3. You send design files to your client and keep the profit. That’s all!
The orders needs to be handled manually with any of these suppliers suits to you.
You can easily add new services or change prices on site to maximize your profit.
What do you need?
You dont need anything! We have have hosting possibilities and you don’t have to worry about anything!
Hosting Will be 9,99$ month after first year. You can use also your own hosting if you have one.
Please list login details of web hosting and domain name in Notes when checking out, if using your own hosting. This is for us to install all website files to your domain. If you feel uncomfortable with providing this information you can contact us first.
*This is an Automated Blogging Website using WordPress. If you are interested in Shopify Websites View our dropshipping stores*
Why Choose A WordPress Powered Website?
Essentially, we’ve chosen the WordPress route to help our clients save money which will allow you to spend more money on your business. There is also no monthly fee for using WordPress. The monthly fee is only for the hosting company you choose (some as low as $1.99 per month). In other words, the WordPress platform is completely free to download to your domain and hosting. If you run an local business you might be interested of our wordpress website design sectio!
Thinking About Wanting A Shopify Store Instead?
Shopify powered websites are great for earning an income! We have a variety of E-Commerce Shopify websites also available on our site. To view our E-Commerce selection. Check our start online business page or hit order button an start beauty blogging!